Macromedia mx 2004 trainz
Macromedia mx 2004 trainz

In doing so it will also inset that no color icon. Selecting the line or fill color with a line or shape tool selected and then making it have no color with the small no color icon below will make it have no associated color. I’m sure other timeline effects could react similarly given the appropriate circumstances - negligence in MM’s coding of the effects. You’ll need to use strighten to make it straight again (relic of FMX)Īttempting a transition timeline effect with no line color or no fill color selected (where you have a white box with a red line through it representing the ‘color’ of the tools) will result in an unsightly error. The undo does not return the line to be striaghtened, just puts it back in its original place before curved. Making a straight line a curve then undoing the action and then trying to move an end point of that line will result in the line curving.


Granted, if you’re assigning it in the timeline, you might as well not have it in an onLoad at all, but none the less, it happens with the code on the movieclip so thats just odd (relic of FMX). MovieClip.onLoad - will still work if you have code on a movieclip (ie some onClipEvent or even just //) but wont work if assigned in the timeline. Note: Macromedia recognizes some ‘emerging’ Flash MX 2004 issues here: You can report bugs to Macromedia directly through the following link. **This thread will pose as a springboard for bugs and ‘issues’ experienced with Flash MX 2004.

macromedia mx 2004 trainz

For Flash updates, be sure you have downloaded the Flash Updater (correcting many of the problems listed below):

Macromedia mx 2004 trainz